Affordable health insurance is still available for millions of Georgia residents. In fact, state exchange health plan enrollment in Atlanta, GA alone has plenty of funds to help those who might not otherwise be able to afford health insurance. The Marketplace is tailored to each state, even though federal funds aid Americans in getting coverage they need. If you need health coverage and you live in Atlanta, you should check out state exchange health plan enrollment on Atlanta, GA’s website.
Subsidized Healthcare Based on Your Ability to Pay
The Affordable Healthcare Act is still alive and doing well, despite anything you might have heard. If you are a low income or no income individual, you can apply for subsidized healthcare too. Some of the questions asked in the sign-up process will look at your income (or lack thereof) and estimate which plans will be easiest and most affordable for you. You might pay a dollar, ten dollars, etc., based on what the program determines you are capable of paying. The federal government picks up the tab on the rest.
Families Can Get Coverage for a Few Dollars Too
A single person has a hard enough time getting insurance, but families have it worse. Most of the time, the adults are left without coverage just so the kids are covered. Some parents make the difficult choice not to insure the kids and instead insure themselves to ensure that the breadwinners of the family will be okay. It costs next to nothing for entire families. Check out Georgia Health Insurance Marketplace via